A Chattering of Scattered Authors - Part 3
This is a series of blogs introducing Authors of Tomorrow - these are the ones to keep an eye on. Each week I will deliver a blog with an interview from an author of a different genre.
I haven't met Hunter yet, she lives over the other side of Australia in the west. She has followed my journey as an Author and attended my webinars, and she even responds to my newsletters and blogs from time to time via email. Thanks for your support Hunter.
Be sure to read on and get yourselves a copy of this groundbreaking new book!
What is your writing Kryptonite?
Everyone has a great story and it's about expressing that in our own unique way. It used to make me so mad to be told over and over again to copy this style of writing or that style i.e. "you can't do this, or say that, or write like that."
I think we should all be able to write and create whatever we want (within reason!) and then the editing process takes care of the rest.
What are common traps for aspiring writers?
I see none if one writes from their own heart. Sorry I forgot about English structure which I find bloody hard at times.
Does a big ego help or hurt writers?
Big or small ego - great either way.
What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer?
Friends with too many authors to name but lately have reviewed books by Melissa H North, Sam Colbran and Michelle Ryan, all of which are fantasy and vampire-like stories.
I cannot put into words how these writing styles have taught me to expand even more. My usual reading is science, quantum physics, medicine and conspiracy!
If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
I would not give advice to my younger self. She was doing her best and perfect and flawed all at the same time!
What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?
Writing about the opposite sex is easy.
Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?
Yes, most of my writing is based on real events and backed by science with funny stories hidden in the story lines.
I even named school friends and others for fun. Hot Henry is my new book is loosely based on my gorgeous husband.
How many hours a day do you write?
Sometimes I write for 12 hours a day and then other times don't write at all. Latest project is Anthology book being published through our writers' group WriteFree.
Tell us about your latest projects and where we can find them?
My piece First Impressions of Number 8 was accepted so thrilled about that. They are short story writers, poetry etc. Joining a writers' group for me was like going to Timbuktoo, very challenging but love it now. Also involved in reviewing books for other authors. Love that and witnessing other talented and creative humans.
Favourite author is probably Brian Keenan (an Evil Cradling) or Deng Adult (Songs of a War Boy).
What is your favourite childhood book?
Favourite childhood book - none, hated reading until I left school. Love writing with a passion now. My alter egos can carry on and create heaven on earth wherever they roam.
Thanks for listening Lissie. ps: I have a hard day's slog here at home working and you have taken me away from all of that for a while.